The DrinksPlinks Story

We sat down with DrinksPlinks founder Tania Brocker to talk about DrinksPlinks.
Where did the idea for DrinksPlinks come from?
DrinksPlinks was created during extended periods of lockdown in Melbourne, Australia. The pandemic was heavy and we were feeling the weight of it all. Almost every business was shut, streets were deserted and we couldn't leave our homes except for essential reasons.
Honestly, I was looking for joy!
As the lockdown dragged on I realised I had to create my own special moments at home.
Moments to look forward to. Moments that felt like a celebration [even though there wasn't a lot to celebrate in the world outside.]
I was looking for something to add some fun. Something that was easy to create and simple to replicate.

I was already making cocktails at home, so why not take them next level with some fun ice cubes?
That thought triggered an avalanche of creative ideas and investigative work. I went deep into the world of silicone ice cube trays!
I landed on 3 key criteria to incorporate into the DrinksPlinks design:
- large format ice shapes
- easy to unmould without breaking
- slow melting so they chill your drink not dilute it.
I spent 7 months designing, developing, testing, and refining prototypes.
I secured DrinksPlinks as the product name. Plinks for that magical sound the ice makes as you add it to your glass. I LOVE that sound!
I designed the logo, developed the packaging and built the website.
Production commenced and the first stock was delivered in November 2020, just in time for Christmas. Our first range consisted of 4 letters (G for Gin, S for Scotch, V for Vodka and W for Whisky) and 4 shapes.

What's special about DrinksPlinks?
DrinksPlinks ice letters mean you can personal-ice drinks with your initial or the initial of your favourite drink.
Our ice shapes and letters are loved by adults and children and they’re perfect for gin lovers to juice drinkers.
I designed each letter and shape to fit perfectly in a traditional whisky glass. They’re designed to float in the glass and they keep their shape as they slowly melt. A DrinksPlinks ice shape or letter adds a ton of fun to cocktails at home.
What about the actual ice cube trays?
All the trays are made from food-grade silicone that’s thicker than usual. The quality of the trays is excellent. They’re super strong and flexible meaning the ice shapes and letters are easy to unmould without breaking. Each tray is designed for long life and has a 5-year guarantee.

And because the trays are made from food-grade silicone you can cook, bake and freeze them. They work beautifully for desserts, brownies and chocolate as well as multiple creative uses like making candles, soap, crayons and crafting with resin.
What’s next for DrinksPlinks?
I’m very excited about the Kickstarter campaign we’ll be launching in June. We’re crowdsourcing the funds to make the remaining letters of the alphabet.
With every letter available there are so many possibilities to personalise drinks at engagements, weddings, birthday parties, and celebrations of all kinds. Plus get gifts sorted for every member of the family and all your friends.
How can people get on board with Kickstarter?
The easiest way is to subscribe to PlinksMail on our website. We’ll let you know when the Kickstarter goes live and we’d love you to make a pledge and receive one of the rewards. The Early Bird Special is fantastic value!
Come join the party!
Such an amazing Australian innovation! Well done to you. m
What a fabulous idea! So creative and so many ways to use the moulds! I can’t wait to be a part of your kickstarter! Yes please!
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